UB #16: Awkwardly Long

A new episode of Uncivilized Behavior!

#16: Awkwardly Long

This week we talk about what’s been going on during our hiatus. The word of the day is “tetrapyloctomy”. We also talk about Google Ass raping thousands of Youtubers, squid sperm, Missed Connections, retarded deaths, the invention of the food processor, and insulting Google’s greedy ass execs. Stay tuned for more updates!

UB Ep. #1: The Best Service Around

Our very first episode! Enjoy this as you die a little bit inside!

#1: The Best Service Around

On UB’s very first episode, we try and use the word propitious at some point in the show, we find out the Jerry has a knack for servicing people, Josh has the gag reflex of a beta fish, and Thoren still can’t figure out how to log into email. Also, awkward parties, cats, infomercials, and feminists as well as a special guest giving us our very first insult of the week!

Also like us on facebook, add us on Google+, and follow us on twitter @ubshow

VA Radio Ep 26: “Don’t Drink and Podcast”

Hey peeps! New episode! Check it out and if you could, help us by spreading the word! Be sure to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! http://voiceactingradio.wordpress.com/2011/10/29/26-dont-drink-and-podcast/

This episode: We go over the 3 voice types, What to do in a professional studio, some of the best and worst voice acting performances, audio interfaces, and millions of bees shutting down a highway.

Also, VA Radio would like to give a big shout out to Jerry Jones for his contribution to the show! Be sure to check out his site here and it will be listed on the extras page! If you’d like to contribute, click n the PayPal buttons to the right!

VA Radio Season 1 Finale!

The season finale of VA Radio! 

This week: It’s VA Radio’s season finale! We’ll have a 1 week break after this episode, but we’ll be back with even more awesomeness soon after! In this episode we go over some voice over pet peeves, our favorite voice over things, PETA’s new naughty website and we have fun calling a few people!
Also, keep an ear out for the Season’s mix of the best VA Radio moments. We will be releasing that between now and the start of next season!

Lastly, you can always Like us on Facebook.com/VoiceActingRadio and Follow us on Twitter @VoiceActRadio

Ep. 23 of VA Radio!

Check it out!

This week: We have an email and an audio skit from too awesome listeners! Also, we go over dubbing, DBZ movies on Nickelodeon, voice acting agents, vocal effects, and a vampire attack!

#23: Too Young for Toons





Looking for Co-Hosts, Animators and Ideas!

Hey all!

Golden Pipes Entertainment is now looking for talented individuals to co-host a variety of podcasts. Here is some basic info for those who are interested:

If you are interested, please remember some basic qualifications:
-Must have a great sense of humor
-Must have good recording quality
-Must be charismatic
-Must be dedicated
-Must be flexible-ish

Those who are interested, the audition process is as follows:
-Bring out your best mic, recording software and vocal cords.
-Record an mp3 of something that you feel like talking about.
-Use your humor and wit. Don’t hold back!
-Send that mp3 as an email attachment to goldenpipesent@gmail.com
-Wait at least 2 days for a response to confirm receiving the email.


Also, GPE is in a huge need of an animator for a new comedy series, “Critical Point”. Extremely great voice talent has already signed aboard and there is already a lot of high expectations for the series!


Lastly, if any of you have any ideas, suggestions, comments about anything pertaining to GPE, contact Josh!